
The Sizzle Behind the Antler Wedding Ring

One of the hottest and most in-demand mens wedding bands on the market today is the exotic antler inlay with a tungsten or a titanium base. Why all the sudden popularity? One of the reasons is that they are crafted in such a way as to be more than just a conversation piece - they are stunning to look at and have long lasting scratch-resistant base metals to add to their luster and longevity.

Our most popular antler ring is the C121M - we believe it is because it is not just priced right but it has a simple and dynamic look that most buyers find very compelling. Another huge factor in this rings popularity is the fact that if you have taken down your own white tailed deer or caribou or whatever, you can send us a piece from your antler and we can make the ring using YOUR sample! Extra cost - none - same price.

We are asked from time to time if these antler rings can last as long as say a silver or gold inlay and our answer is that there is no reason why they should not last a lifetime - they are made using a single piece of non laminated and non spliced piece of antler - they are also coated with ring armor to protect against water damage.

Price might be a consideration for some because in most circumstances you can buy a simple gold or titanium band for about a 1/3 of the price of an antler piece and in some cases you can spend 10 times on an antler piece if it is mixed with other materials such as dinosaur bone or platinum. So, this is a ring that a person might need to be saving for - possibly for a long time.

The overall demand is high nonetheless, these pieces are truly one-of-a-kind keepsakes and many men want to buy one for the meaning behind the finished piece. Most are true hunters and enjoy the thrill of taking down their own animal and then having something to remember the experience by - other than just pictures.

Whatever your case - you might want to take a look at some of these thrilling pieces - or if you prefer you might look into a solid wood inlay in titanium - our most popular category of exotic inlays!

14th Oct 2014 Ron Johnson

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