Custom Mens Wedding Rings - Hottest Category on the Market
Custom Mens Wedding Bands are hot right now - they are in high demand because discerning men want a band that speaks to them, who they are, what they believe in, what their taste is. And exactly what types of mens bands are included in this custom category - let's take a look at all of the exotic inlays on the market as a starting place: meteorite inlays, dinosaur bone inlays, antler inlays, all types of exotic wood inlays, and diamond and precious metal inlays. Popular? These unique and eye-cat
25th Aug 2020
Meteorite Wedding Rings - Why So Popular? Meteorite Rings Are The Best!
Meteorite men's wedding bands are the talk of the fashion industry when it comes to custom rings these days. Why? Why are meteorite rings so hot - so popular? And why the surge in interest for custom rings in wood, meteorite, dinosaur bone and wood. Are we experiencing a fad or is this a trend for the foreseeable future? Given our research and experience over the past decade of being in this industry of online sales and service for mens wedding rings, we think that there are many reasons for thi
25th Aug 2020
Pinterest and Mens Rings
Pinterest is a social network unlike many others. In short - it allows users or visitors to post or pin their interests - thus "p - interest". This process has become know as 'pinning'. Visitors are interested in what others have pinned and also pin their own interests. We have found that in the wedding category you will see visitors and users pinning a variety of interests such as mens wedding bands, bracelets, wedding gowns, foods and gifts for weddings, bridesmaid interests, wedding shoe
25th Aug 2020
Get to Know a Brief History Before Your Big Day to Appreciate It More!
Different cultures have different ways
of representing the exchange of vows between the bride and the groom who are
tying the knot. Some cultures have them exchanging flower garlands as they
promise to be with each other through thick and thin, till death do them part.
However, in most western cultures, the exchange of rings, usually gold or
silver, has existed for ages. Let us look a little deeper into the history of
how men's bands came to become an integral part of weddings. Before
that thoug
25th Aug 2020
Wedding Rings - Little Known Facts
Men's wedding
bandsThe male wedding ring is of great importance as is the
female wedding ring in the wedding ceremony and life after. The ring is a
symbol of many aspects of the relationship between the two people. It is also a
means of expressing love to the person one is
married to. The tradition of men
wearing wedding rings is younger than most people may think and there are many
facts about the tradition that one should know.The practice of placing the ring on the third finger of the
25th Aug 2020