
Getting the mens wedding rings - before you get the guys

Getting the mens wedding rings - before you get the guys

How foolish would you think it to be for a young lady to be shopping for the perfect diamond wedding band even when she was dating a number of different young man none of whom she was terribly interested in? Do you think it would be a little bit like putting the cart before the horse? Do you think it would be a little presumptuous possibly even a little foolish? And if this were the case what type of amends band would you be looking for-gold, platinum, palladium, cobalt, tungsten, stainless steel, ceramic with or without special inlays like diamonds or 14 or 18 karat white or yellow gold?


Before you jump to the conclusion that this would be the most foolish decisions since straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic, consider the following scenario. This young lady had been dating these young man for six months and they were all in the realm of marriageable, handsome, about the same age and size, they were well-educated and all had good jobs, and believe it or not they all met your family and your family loved each and all the same. And to make matters even more complicated even though this young lady had not made a choice they had all let it be known that they would marry her in a heartbeat.


With this in mind she went online and just for fun was looking at men's bands she found one side it had a special going on for $100 off all rings and they said that if you bought the wrong size ring there would be no charge for exchanging it in case somebody wanted by the wedding band now and take a chance on the size fitting perfectly later. She shopped this site and found that they had almost 500 styles, including what she needed to be very popular tungsten, titanium, cobalt and ceramic men's rings. She shopped, she looked, she decided, and she made the decision that in many respects appears foolish. She went ahead and bought a tungsten band with white gold inlay $400 off bought a size 9 1/2 because she heard that was the average size men's wedding band for the left finger for any man who was under 200 pounds and yet close to 6 feet tall. As you might guess all the young man she was dating were in this category of height and weight.


The ring arrived about a week later she told no one she just put it in her drawer full of close and hid it away and tell the right time. You're right, maybe it was a little presumptuous, even a little silly, but in the end if she saved $100 and for hopes and dreams come true one of the young man she is dating might just have his male wedding bands for the future.

See the SS101Z below.

Getting the mens wedding rings - before you get the guys

15th Dec 2012

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