Why Platinum is the Most Favorite Base-Metal for Men's Rings?
Why Platinum is the Most Favorite Base-Metal for Men's Rings?
Platinum is preferred for metal rings when it comes to the selection of base metals for wedding rings. Pure platinum is more costly than that which has been mixed with another metal. A ring that is made of 95% platinum will cost more than that which is made of 80% platinum. It is a preferred ring because of the resilience that it offers. In fact there is stress laid upon the purity of the platinum ring and that is why there are methods to check the purity of the platinum metal.
Men do a lot of physical work. They are involved in all sorts of jobs which do not spare them no matter what season it is. There are men in mines and in workshops. There are married men in welding business and in furniture houses. Men who work in warehouses also get married and so do men who work in the water; on farms and in the marines. These people are also wearing the symbol of their love on their finger. This symbol is supposed to be worn on the finger that is believed to have a vein connected to the heart. Since all these men are subject to harsh climate and working conditions; they should wear rings that are tough and can take the pressure of surrounding conditions.
Ruthenium and Cobalt make good alloys with Platinum rings if it is 95% pure. They impart the resilience and strength that is expected of the ring and it can also take the abrasive damage. This means that it would require more than a scratch to damage the ring. Because platinum is the most preferred base metal for wedding rings for men, buying it should not be such a problem. There will be good availability of the metal in the market. However, you must keep a good watch out for making the best buy. There is cost to consider as well as the alloy that has been used.
Masters of the Platinum jewelry art reside in US and the Europe. Many manufacturers might have outsourced their work to China but the fine makers are still in your country. You must search for such a jewelry maker. Working with Platinum is harder than working with gold because of a few reasons. Firstly, platinum melts at over 3000 degrees of Celsius while Gold melts at 1700. The tools that involved with platinum jewelry are also more complex than those used for gold jewelry making. So there are few craftsmen who are adept at working with platinum bands.
Many platinum rings engraved by hands of the person working with rings. Deeply engraved rings will last longer. Those that have a superficial engraving will wear off in a couple of years and the design will lose its luster. While you are out on a trip to buy platinum rings, you must do so for a ring that is deeply engraved. If the engraving is prefabricated during the casting process, it results in a chunky look. Engravings must be drawn out with soldered wires and that is what true craftsmen do.
A popular ring option with platinum is Bezel. It involves the use of bordering metal for the central stone so that it looks bigger. Sometimes, the border metal or prongs are also studded with diamonds. This accentuates the look of the central stone. You must ensure that the stones have been studded in properly. If you notice these fine points in the ring in time, it will be good for the years to come.
Platinum rings can also be considered for a one time heirloom. Since these rings are durable and long lasting, they might just make the perfect piece to pass on to the next generation. You can work with a jeweler who will customize the ring for you. Though this is hard work but you should be able to find someone who can do it. You know it is the rarity and exclusivity related to the platinum rings that make them so popular as a choice for weddings bands. Because platinum is a rare metal it is also very expensive and that certainly will give you a social uplift combined with the sturdy characteristics of the metal.
Platinum is a metal that is resistant to many chemicals. So people, who are doing work in places where their skin is exposed to chemicals, can easily wear it. It is also hypoallergenic. The ring does not wear and tear easily because it is heavier than gold. It is also denser. Scientifically speaking, it also has a greater specific gravity than a gold ring of the same size. Even the prongs on a platinum ring are heavy and strong. They are likely to hold onto the stone embedded in it. This will make the ring maintenance free in the long run. You won’t have to worry about delicacy.
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